Terms and conditions of travel with us!

South America

Six Destinations | Leading DMC | Tailor Made Tours

Agency for adventure trips and active vacations in Peru and South America

Peru Expeditions Tours – Bussines/Corporation Group is dedicated to providing you with a holiday experience that you will enjoy to the utmost, and remember for life. Before you book a trip with us, please go through our Booking Terms and Conditions which are stated below.

1. The Contract
If you are interested in making a booking with us, you must have read and understood all the clauses that are given on this page. If you sign off a trip deal with us or any of our agents, you are automatically accepting the booking conditions on your behalf as well as of on the behalf of the people who are included in the booking no matter whether they are minors or have disabilities. Your booking will be accepted and will become valid only when we send you a confirmation email or an invoice. Only when we do this will a contact come into existence between Peru Expeditions Team and you, and will be enforced from the date stated in the email or on the invoice.

Peru Expeditions Tours of any our agents have the right to reject any booking if they deem it appropriate.
From hereafter, the person or the persons whose name have been mentioned on the booking are called the โ€˜clientโ€™. The terms and conditions that have been stated below will formulate a binding agreement between the Client and Peru Expeditions Tours.

The provided services to the Client are those tours that have also been stated in the booking.

2. Medical Conditions and other Special Requirements
The Client has to submit a written statement at the time of booking if there is a medical condition that must be mentioned such as disability and pregnancy.

Any other physical or mental condition that can affect the fitness level of the Client should also be provided to Peru Expeditions Tours in writing. Not complying by this can result in a rejection and the Client will not be permitted to travel. In case the trip has to be canceled all together, the cancellation fees will be applicable.

Please note that some tours might not be appropriate for the Client because of a specific disability, mobility, pregnancy or any other condition. If the Client is suffering from any condition that he believes might cause a hindrance on the tour, he must inform Peru Expeditions about it before he makes a booking. As an example, Peru Expeditions Tours may not allow women to travel if they are more than 24 weeks pregnant. Peru Expeditions Tours is not responsible for providing any extra facilities until it the Client has recovered a written agreement.

Though, the company does try its level best to accommodate the needs of the Client, these are not included in the Contract, implying that there is no liability on Peru Expeditions Tours for not catering to these needs. In every country, the medical facilities are not the same, and so Peru Expeditions Tours does not guarantee the quality or the standard of any medical treatments during the tour.

Traveling with Children
If the client age is 18 or greater, he is classified as an adult. Anyone who is an adult can accompany two children whose age is less than 18. Thus, for every group, the ratio of the number of adults to the number of children is 1:2. As such, a single adult can travel with two children and two adults can travel with four children.

Only those Clients whose age is 12 or greater can accompany adults on a tour. If the tour type is Family, then the age limit can be relaxed to 5 years.

If the Client makes any bookings that include children, Peru Expeditions Tours reserves the right to review it and accordingly consider I accepted or rejected. The company can also reduce the number of Clients whose age is less than 18 years on any of the tours.

3. Trip Costs
Peru Expeditions Tours is authorized to increase the price of any package whenever it deems appropriate without informing or notifying the clients. The new rates are evaluated by considering various factors such as currency fluctuations, governmental actions, food costs, transportation charges, fuel costs, airport fees, ticket fares or any other cost that is beyond the control of Peru Expeditions Tours. All the prices mentioned are stated in the United States Dollars or USD ($), if you are from Europe is in Eur (โ‚ฌ).

If there is an increase in price on any of the operational costs, Peru Expeditions Tours can disregard it provided it is less than 4% of the total rate of the package. If it is otherwise, the client will have to pay the full difference amount between the original and new price.

4. Deposits
The booking of the client with Peru Expeditions Tours will only be confirmed when he deposits 50% of the total price of the tour per person and per trip. If the booking is made late, and there are less than 30 days left for the departure, the full tour amount will have to be paid for order confirmation.

Please note that payments regarding air fare charges and other flight costs have to be made in the full amount and that too in advance so as to guarantee seats on the flight.

5. Booking Acceptance
If your booking is accepted by Peru Expeditions Tours, you will receive confirmation by email and invoice. As already mentioned, a contract will be formulated between you and the company from the confirmation issuance date and will last until the tour ends. If we receive your booking late and there are only seven days or less left for the tour departure date, the contract will start from the date on which you accept your payment.

The details of your final payments are mentioned on your confirmation invoice. For early bookings, the full balance of the trip must be paid when there are still 30 days left for the departure date. Failing to do so might result in cancellation of your booking. For late bookings in which there is not much time left for the tour date, the full amount has to be paid for booking confirmation.

6. Payment Methods
Wire Transfer Wire transfer allows you to move funds from your bank account into our account. In addition to the tour price, you will also have to pay an extra $50 USD as transfer charges and administration fee, which is attached to our account. When we confirm your trip, we provide you with complete details about our bank account.

The time period in which we receive a transfer sent by you is around 1 to 3 working days depending on the location from which you would be sending us the money.

Western Union
If you live abroad and want to avoid bank charges and other taxes that are associated with wire transfers and credit cards, you can make your payment using the Western Union. This is an international transfer service with offices located in several regions across the globe. So whether you are in the USA, UK, Canada, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway or Australia, you can easily send us your money.

Visit the Western union website at www.westernunion.com, and read the instructions given. Any amount sent is transferred almost instantaneously. If we confirm your trip, we will send you the required details which you will need for making a payment.

7. Client Details
Peru Expeditions Tours can provide confirmation of the Clientโ€™s travel arrangements for the tour and guarantee for the same only when the Client provides all their details at the time of making their final payment. If the Client fails in providing his details, and less than 60 days are left for the departure date, the client will be charged an additional administrative fee. If even then the Client does not make his payment and only 30 days are left for the tour, then Peru Expeditions Tours has reserved rights to cancel his booking altogether. In this case, full cancellation fee is applicable.

For every trip and package, Peru Expeditions Tours requires varying details, the complete information of which will be given at the time of booking. Generally, basic information such as the clientโ€™s full name, passport number, passport validity date, birth date, birth place and nationality are always required. At times, specific documentations may also have to be provided with the details.
Please note that unless the all the required details of the client are provided, any booking can be treated as unconfirmed.

8. Tour Cancellation from the Clientโ€™s End (Not Applicable for Inca Trail Tours, Cordillera Blanca, and Cordillera Huayhuash)
If a client wants to cancel his booked tour, he will have to provide a request in writing. Peru Expeditions Tours will then provide acknowledgement of the same in writing. Cancellation fees apply in all cases, the exact amount of which depends on the date on which the cancellation request is made.

  • If you choose to cancel more than 30 days of the departure date, you will be refunded 50% of the tour costs.
  • If you cancel between 30-45 days before the departure date, you will be refunded 50% of the deposit.
  • If you choose to cancel within 30 days of the departure date, you will not be refunded any amount.
  • If you cancel between 20-29 days before the departure date, you will be refunded 25% of the trip cost.
  • If you cancel when there are just 20 days or less left for the tour to begin, 100% of the tour cost will be retained and you will not be refunded any amount.

Special Notes

  • All payments and deposit amounts which are made for tours related to Inca Trail are not refunded because of the limits exercised by the Inca Trail policy and airlines regulations.
  • If the trip has to be postponed for any reason, an administrative fee, which is 20% of the tour cost, has to be paid in addition to the costs that are incurred because of subcontracted services. Any remaining amount can be used when the client makes a future tour with the company.
  • You will not be provided with any refund if you voluntarily abandon the tour when it has already been started. If you have to leave involuntarily, then the decision to provide a refund will lie totally on Peru Expeditions Tours. In the case that you fail in utilizing offered services like transport, accommodation, meals and sightseeing, you will not be provided with any refunds.
  • You should avail a travel insurance policy that can provide you with coverage if you have to face cancellation charges.

9. Tour Modifications or Cancellation from Peru Expeditions Tours End

  • Even though Peru Expeditions Tours always tries its best to conduct all tours as planned, at times, it is necessary to change a tour in any of its aspect usually do to existing local conditions. If you accept this contract, you agree to all these changes that might take place.
  • The company has full right to cancel or modify the services, facilities or prices which its offers for accommodation, flights and other required arrangements. Peru Expeditions Tours also has the right to replace these services with other suitable options. If there is a decrease in enjoyment or any other issues arise because of this, the company will not be held responsible.
  • The company is entitled to cancel a tour altogether if it deems appropriate due to a natural disaster, terrorism, political situation or any other external circumstances during which the tour operation may be prone to risks. If the trip has to be canceled because of us, you can either avail an alternative tour or acquire your full money from us except for 10% from the deposit.
  • If any expenses arise because of your vaccines, visas, flights or any other reasons, we will not be held responsible for it.

10. Changes from the Clientโ€™s End

  • If you have to change the travel itinerary when you have already received a confirmation from us, you will have to pay a fee of $40 USD. Other costs that are incurred in the process will also be payable by you. Even though, we will try our level best to accommodate changes and requests and ensure that everything is up to your expectations, we still cannot guarantee them.
  • Any changes which you want to make in the trip plane should be submitted to us almost 45 business days before the actual departure date of the trip. Even if you tell us well in advance, there is a chance that the requested changes can also be rejected.
  • If you request us to make modifications when only 30 days are left for the trip, we will not accept them.
  • In case of a change to the original booking, the person to whom it has been entitled must comfort them.

Client Substitution
If there is any member in your group who cannot make it tothe trip, the booking can be transferred to another person, if you submit the request in writing. This should be when more than 45 days are left for the trip. You will have to pay an administration fee of around $50 USD and any other costs that are incurred in the process.

If you are availing the Inca Tour trek, you would not be able to make any changes to the names, dates or passport numbers once your application undergoes the process. Please keep in mind that the issued trek permit is neither transferable nor refundable. As such, your deposit will not be refunded. This is because we cannot resell your permit to another client after you cancel it.

12. Visas, Passport and Vaccinations
As a client, it is completely your responsibility to have a valid passport, visa permit and other necessary medicines on you during the tour. We do provide you with information on these items and matters, but we have no liability towards them.

13. Age, Fitness Level and Participation

  • Before you book a tour, you must be absolutely sure that you have the required level of fitness level and would be able to complete your entire chosen travel itinerary. If your age is more than 60 years, we highly recommend you to obtain medical advice that you have acceptable strength and fitness.
  • Peru Expeditions Tours will not permit any person less than 18 years of age or a minor to travel unaccompanied. If a person is in his late teens, he might be considered only if he has a parent or guardian with him who bears his full responsibility.
  • Peru Expeditions Tours can decline any booking if they find it appropriate. You have to agree and accept the decisions that are taken by our employees, agents and leaders during the tour.
  • If there is any person whose health or conduct prior to or after departing for the tour seems to endanger comfort, safety and happiness of the rest of the clients, then that person may be excluded from the entire tour or some parts of it. More over, if the health of a traveler is not fit, then Peru Expeditions may make necessary arrangements for him, but this not mandatory.

14. Local Regulations
All individuals who travel on sun Gate tours have to abide the rules and regulations of the region which they are visiting. Not complying by this will result in their requirements or obligations not being met.

15. Ill Health or Disability
If you are suffering from any illness or a disability, undergoing a medical treatment of some sort or have any other medical issues that the company should know about, you will have to let us know when you make your booking. Clearly state the nature of your condition and submit a request for any medication or treatment that you may need during the tour. In case you fail in informing us about such a situation, it would imply that you have breached these booking conditions which may result in your being exempted from the tour. In all these cases, no refunds are made whatsoever. Moreover, if your tour features include something like transportation via boat, you should let the company know if you cannot swim when you book the tour. You will not be stopped from going on the tour, but the details will let Peru Expeditions Tours make arrangements for measures that provide you with additional safety.

16. Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is mandatory for all this individuals who avail tours operated by Peru Expeditions Tours. Buy an all inclusive policy that provides you with coverage in case of accidents, medical emergencies, repatriation or death and should protect you from tour cancellation, curtailment, luggage damage or theft and personal liabilities.

17. Flight Bookings

  • Peru Expeditions Tours tries it level best and ensures that all airfares are correct when they are quoted. However, all airlines reserve the right to modify them without sending out any notices. Thus when you pay an airfare deposit, your are only allowing us to confirm your seat whereas the rates can change any time and so are not guaranteed.
  • The airfare is confirmed when you pay the full amount for your flight booking and receive your ticket.
  • Flight bookings are non transferable. The flight times which you are given when you make a booking are not certain and can change. You will come to know of the confirmed prices when your ticket has been issued.
  • Carefully check your tickets and note down the stated timings. If there are any changes or alternations in flight, Peru Expeditions Tours will let you know at their earliest convenience.
  • Just like the rates, the flight details can also be changed by airline companies at any time. However, these do not have a significant effect on other arrangements, so the trip generally proceeds as planned.
  • Peru Expeditions Tours has no liabilities for any flight delays no matter what their cause. This usually happens because of severe weather conditions, traffic controllerโ€™s action, local governments, airport authorities, strike or mechanical breakdown.

18. Clients Responsibilities

  • As a client, you will have to accept the decisions that are taken by the employees, agents and leaders of Peru Expeditions Tours during the trip. If there is any person whose health or conduct prior to or after departing for the tour seems to endanger comfort, safety and happiness of the rest of the clients, then that person may be excluded from the entire tour or some parts of it.
  • If the health of a traveler is not fit, then Peru Expeditions Tours may make necessary arrangements for him, but this not mandatory. The incurred cost in this regard have to be payable by the client himself. If a client does something that is illegal, he would be excluded from the tour and the company will have no responsibility for them. Moreover, if you have a certain medical condition that can affect the enjoyment of other people or prevent you from participating in the tour, inform us about it when you book a tour.
  • No refunds are made for those facilities or services that have not been used. As a client, it is completely your responsibility to have a valid passport, visa permit and other necessary medicines on you during the tour. We do provide you with information on these items and matters, but we have no liability towards them.

19. Peru Expeditions Tours Responsibilities

  • Peru Expeditions Tours organizes all their services such as accommodation and transportation on the account of their travelers and in their names. As such, if there are any accidents, damages, losses or any other sort of interferences on part of the client or for reasons over which the company has no control, Peru Expeditions Tours will not be responsible.
  • The company is not responsible for any sort of medical sickness, pregnancy or physical impediments, which may put your health at risk. We are also not liable for any claims or reimbursements that arise because of the above mentioned reasons.
  • Peru Expeditions Tours will not pay any sort of compensations if the tour has to be modified or canceled because of incidents that are beyond their control. Examples include war, civil strike, riots, natural disasters, extreme weather, health risks, technical issues with transports and cancellation of flights.
  • If there are any changes in the flight time or if the departure is delayed due to any reason, the company will not bear ant responsibilities for it. Still efforts will be made to minimize the effects that this can have on the tour. The flight delay or cancellation may be caused by any reason such as weather conditions, airport authorities, air traffic controllers and mechanical breakdown, but we still cannot bear any sort of responsibility towards it. Moreover, if the delay in flight causes you to arrive late at the hotels, no refunds would be made for the time that you were not there. The airlines also have no compensations to offer in this regard. However, they would still try to reduce your inconvenience by providing you with accommodation or meals, as deems appropriate at that time.
  • Until you have received prior consent from us, we will not be liable for any payment. If you do need any special or extra services, please inform us beforehand.

20. Client Complaints
If you have any complaints about any of the services we offer or arrangements that we have made during the tour, please bring them to the attention of the tour leader or any other representative so that the situation can be rectified. Until you inform us about the issues you are facing, we cannot put them right for you. So if there is any problem, please bring it to our notice and allow us to sort it you. If in case the problem remains unsolved, notify us your complaint in writing within 28 days from the tour completion date.

21. Financial Security
Peru Expeditions Tours has been accredited by the Tourism Ministry in Peru, and has been licensed by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism under Peru Expeditions Tours EIRL. As such it has to comply with all the policies and laws that have been enforced for travel agencies. Our company has been registered with the number (CONSTANCIA Nยฐ 53 โ€“ 2016-DIRCETUR-ANCASH), approved by (D.S. Nยฐ 004-2016-MINCETUR). We have also received a license for operating Inca Trail tours with our travel agency with is main office is in the city Cusco, Peru.

We operate locally and have established an office in Peru. We have no ownership for any of the hotels, lodges, vehicles, restaurants and other facilities that we provide during the tour. We appoint local operators and agencies in the regions of Lima, Puno, Ica, Amazon, Arequipa, Trujillo and South America as destination: Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina to provide you with your requested services. We completely rely on these operators and have used them throughout our eight years of experience.

22. Photography and Testimonials
If we secure or take any image of you during the tour, we have the right to use it in our advertising campaigns without any charges. This includes all kinds of promotional material such as slides, video shows, brochures and the Internet. If you have provided us any feedback in writing, then that can also be used for promotional purposes.

23. Privacy Policy
The company will use the personal information you provide us with for making all travel arrangements. As such, we will have to pass it on to our suppliers and carriers so that we enable operations of the services which you have requested. However, we will endeavor to protect your information, and use it for official purposes only for which it is extremely necessary. I have taken ample time to read the Booking Terms and Conditions. I have fully understood all the clauses and I provide my complete consent to all of them.

Peru expeditions Tours corporation: we work with intertanional partners world wide travel agencies, tour operators and professional mountain guides from Europe and USA certified by IVBV – UIAGM – IFMGA for adventure and active vacations for trekking and expeditions in Peru, we would like to introduce our trips in the areas of trekking, expeditions, ascents and individual/private tours in Peru. Experience South America in its natural beauty and fascination! Join us on the best tours in the world, such as trekking Cordillera Huayhuash, trekking in the Cordillera Blanca.

Peru Tour Operator: Travel in Peru | Trekking in Peru | Climbing in Peru | Trekking in Huaraz | Trekking Laguna 69 | Trekking in Cordillera Blanca | Expedition to Alpamayo | Expedition to Huascaran | Climbing in Cordillera Blanca | Trekking in Cordillera Huayhuash | Trekking Santa Cruz | Trekking Cedros Alpamayo | Tours in Huaraz | Expeditions in Peru

Peru Expeditions Tours Team


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โ€œWe don’t sell tours, we provide memorable lifetime experiences.โ€

We are a recognized tour operator 100% peruvian company that specialists in adventure and traditional tours service.