Lima – Trujillo – Ica – Arequipa – Puno -Machu Picchu – Lima

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Peru is the country that can completely satisfy all human tastes, preferences and energy! The people there are extremely earthy, humble and kind – a mentality too close to the senses of much of humanity. It is unique to Peru – Nature, mysticism and unparalleled world cultural and historical heritage!

Lima is the capital: of Peru located on the arid Pacific coast of the country. Although its colonial center is preserved, it is an overflowing metropolis and one of the largest cities in South America. The Larco Museum houses a collection of pre-Columbian art and the Museum of the Nation traces the history of the ancient civilizations of Peru. The Plaza de Armas and the 16th century cathedral are the core of the old center of Lima.

Peru’s cultural treasures – from the Pacific via Machu Picchu to Lake Titicaca

  • Machu Picchu: Mystic temple complex of the Inca in the mountain jungle
  • Old Town of Cusco: churches, monasteries and Inca walls, which survived all earthquakes
  • Sacred Valley – Urubamba Valley: The granary of the Incas with the fortress Ollantaytambo and the ruins of Pisac
  • The lines of Nasca, which we let act from the height on us
  • Trujillo: Colonial charm and the adobe temples of Chimu and Mochica

Waves hit the sandy beach, curl up, retreat. Sand as far as the eye can see, hardly recognizable mountain outlines in the distance. Clear, fresh air, churches, streets, monumental buildings of the Incas, on the horizon the snow-covered and ice-covered mountain giants. Peru’s opposites from the Pacific coast in Trujillo to the plateaus around Cusco (3800 m).

On our journey from the Pacific into the Andes, we experience the dune landscape of the coastal regions as well as the barren beauty of Peru’s highlands with its colonial gems such as Lampa. On Lake Titicaca a boat trip takes you to the floating reed islands of the Uros and the knitting men on the island of Taquile. We roam the empire of the Incas and meet their predecessors, the Mochica and the Chimu. In the historic city of Cusco we enjoy a few days in the most beautiful hotel in South America – Monasterio Monastery converted into an exclusive hotel. When visiting Arequipa, the white city in the south, we marvel at the city in the city, the monastery Sta. Catalina and when staying in the Colca Gorge we have good chances to follow the Condor’s flight up close. The final visit to the Gold Museum of Lima allows us to meet again the Chimu, Mochica and Incas.

Join an unforgettable trip with us “Peru Expeditions Tours”

Difficulty Condition

Travel Program

Flight from Europe or the country of origin (USA or Canada), etc. Arrival in Lima – Transfer Hotel the large city in South America; population approximately 11 million. Arrival in Lima. Onward flight to Trujillo. Transfer from the airport to the hotel. After Lima and Arequipa, Trujillo is the third largest city in Peru with a beautiful colonial old town surrounded by impressive temples of various pre-Inca cultures.Overnight stay Hotel.

Arrval with plane to Peru & fligth to Trujillo

Sightseeing in and around Trujillo: Guided tour of the colonial Trujillo with its colorful facades, magnificent courtyards, ornate wooden balconies and wrought-iron window bars. Visit to Chan Chan, the capital of Chimu around 1000 AD. Huge, up to 12m high, weathered walls of Adobe bricks (adobe = clay-sand brick) surround the city, in which once 100’000 inhabitants have lived. It is believed

that Chan Chan was not only the largest city in South America in his day, but the whole world. Its heyday ended in 1465 with the subjugation by the Inca. Interesting also the Huaca de la Luna, with its colored relief walls, and Huaca del
Sol from the Mochica epoch. The Mochica inhabited the valley around Trujillo already around 200 BC. until about 800 AD. respectively, until they had to submit to the Chimu. The solar and moon pyramids are the largest pre-Columbian temples in South America. The solar pyramid originally measured 345 x 160 m and was 48 m high. Approximately 140 million Adobe bricks were used for the construction.
Overnight stay Hotel.

2 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

Continuation of the tours: El Brujo, approximately 55 km from Trujillo, Huaca Arco Iris and Huaca Esmeralda, approximately 5 km from Trujillo. The archaeological site el Brujo (The Witcher) contains the most beautiful painted reliefs of the Mochica culture that have been discovered so far. The most famous find, a large bas-relief, represents a life-size warrior with his naked prisoners. But also animals, mythical creatures, priests, human sacrifices and typical geometrical patterns. Also worth seeing is the attached museum with its valuable finds. La Esmeralda is an almost square temple complex of the Chimu, whose mud walls are decorated with filigree rhombic patterns and wave reliefs, fish, seabirds, sea otters and other animal symbols.
Overnight stay Hotel.

2 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

Return flight to Lima and onward journey by private vehicle to Ica. Hotel terms. Afternoon: Flight over the enigmatic pictures in the desert (if the weather is good). The approximately 30 – 45-minute round trip gives an impression of the representations and their dimensions. In addition to many straight lines and triangles, a human figure known as an astronaut can be recognized because it spontaneously reminds of a spaceman. A lama, a handsome 188m long lizard, an iguana, a spider, a hummingbird and a dog. In addition, a whale, a 90m long monkey and a mighty tree are shown as well as a condor with a wingspan of 180m! Why this was done by the people of Nasca is still a mystery. The scientists agree, however, that the geoglyphs mostly served a fertility and water cult. If the weather is not a scenic flight, the afternoon is at leisure, with the opportunity to participate in a hotel activity.
Overnight stay Hotel.

1 Hour approx with plane.
6 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

Tomorrow: Flight over the Nasca lines – if the weather was bad the day before. Afternoon: program of your choice, eg: visit to a winery or participation in a hotel activity such as horse riding in the sand dunes, golf, bike ride, tennis …. or just relax. Overnight stay Hotel.

2 Hours approx by bus.
4 minutes aprox.
1 Hours approx tours

Drive in private vehicle to Paracas and boat trip to the Ballestas Islands (about 25 km off the coast) with their huge seabird and sea lion colonies. Also dolphins, Humboldt penguins and otters can be spotted. After this detour we drive back to Lima, to the Flufghafen.
Flight Lima – Arequipa. Transfer from the airport to the hotel. On the site of a former Inca city, the Spaniards founded Arequipa in 1540, which, with its churches and palaces of characteristic white tufa (sillar), soon blossomed into one of the most beautiful cities in the Spanish colonial empire. The dry, mild desert climate gives the city over 300 sunny days a year. Overnight stay Hotel.

6 Hours approx by bus.
1 hour approx with plane.
1 Hours approx tours

Morning: visit of the monastery Sta. Catalina. In the monastery, one gets the impression of having entered a colonial gem. Founded in 1579, it was only 400 years later that the restored monastery was opened to the public for the first time. Nothing reminds us of sad monastic cells. The nuns lived together with their maids in small apartment blocks, built around a courtyard. Small streets lead to idyllic places and pretty gardens. Afternoon for discoveries on your own. Overnight stay Hotel.

2 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

Drive from Arequipa into the ravine and mountain landscape of Colca Canon to Chivay. The valley around Chivay is dominated by the typical agricultural terraces, which also pull up on the extremely steep and exposed mountain slopes. For the rest of the day, it is advisable to lie down and rest a bit, which promotes acclimatization. You can also combine this with a visit to the hotel’s outdoor hot spring bath!
Overnight Lodge.

4 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

Early drive to the Cruz del Condor, a vantage point on the edge of the Colca Canon, where we have the best chance in the morning to observe one or more condors (10 -13 kg heavy, about 1.30 m tall and a wingspan of up to 3 m). The condor was one of the most important animals in the mythology of almost all ancient Peruvian cultures; as messenger of the gods and mediator between heaven and earth. Even today, the bird enjoys respect and respect among the people of the Andes. Afterwards we visit some of the idyllic villages with their simple but beautiful colonial churches (for example Coporaque, Yanque).
Overnight Lodge.

3 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

From the canyon and mountain landscape, the trip today leads up to the wide and barren highlands, the Altiplano (about 5 hours / about 310 km). Spectacular in particular the part before reaching the main road. We pass through the Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca with their humid wetlands, which include the Andean flamingo. But up here also live the four small-leaved species, the llamas, alpacas, guanacos and vicunas. The track winds for about 4900 m to the pass Patapampa, where in all directions five and six thousand peaks are visible on the horizon.
Overnight stay Hotel.

1 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

Boat trip to the floating islands of the Uros and the island of Taquile, far out in Lake Titicaca. Originally the Uros lived on fishing, hunting for waterfowl and bartering, today on tourism! Their floating islands, their boats and houses are made of the Totora, a type of rush. The Totora is also on the menu. Extensive agricultural terraces dominate the image of Taquile Island. The view extends over the entire Lake Titicaca up to the 6000s of the Royal Cordillera of Bolivia. Here it is possible to experience the real size and uniqueness of Lake Titicaca. Taquile is also known as the island of “knitting men”, but women are not inferior with their web skills. Traditional textile production was raised by UNESCO in 2006 to the status of intangible cultural heritage. The sale of their products is through a cooperative, which also regulates other aspects of the common good of the islanders. Overnight stay Hotel.

3 Hours approx by bus and train.
2 Hours approx tours

Short drive over Juliaca to Lampa. On the way we visit the grave towers or Chullpas of Sillustani. Powerfully, the Chullpa del Lagarto rises into the sky, with a height of 12 m, the largest tomb tower in South America at all. Visit the church in Lampa (guided by the owner of the hostel), the rest of the time is at leisure. Enjoy this quiet place off the beaten path. Lampa played an important role especially during the colonial period. Several buildings from this period are still in good condition.
Overnight Hostal.

3 Hours approx by bus.
3 Hours approx tours

We leave Lampa and drive along the Andes to Cusco (travel time approx. 6 hours / approx. 350km). The varied ride leads more or less always parallel to the Andean Railway and through fascinating landscapes and several Andean towns. A first stop is Pucara, known for its skilled potters. One of their best-known products are the beloved Torritos de Pucara, clay bull figures designed to protect the houses of the Altiplano from harm. After just another 100km we reach the 4310m high pass La Raya, a watershed and source of the Urubamba River. The ruins of Racchi are visible from afar. The remains of this Inca temple are reminiscent of a Roman viaduct. Nowhere else had the Inca master builders made such a large roof construction. Short tour of the ruins. To conclude, Andahuaylillas – the baroque church is worth a visit, despite its simplicity, the frescoes and paintings from the Cusqueñer school are impressive.Overnight stay Hotel.

8 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

Sightseeing in the ancient Inca capital of Cusco (Cathedral, Compania de Jesus Church, Qoricancha Sun Temple / Santo Domingo Monastery) and the nearby Inca Saqsaywaman with its gigantic stone walls, Qenko, probably served as a mortuary cult or was used for sacrificial ceremonies, and Tambomachay a water sanctuary. The fineness of the Inca walls overshadows the colonial walls and has so far outlived all earthquakes (in contrast to the colonial buildings). Free time at e.g. visit the “Arte Precolombiano” museum with its beautiful finds from the pre-Inca period, or take a stroll through the artists’ quarter of San Blas or browse the souvenir shops … Or just enjoy the ambiance of our hotel, a former convent. Take e.g. Take a short tour of the complex, visit the chapel, look at the paintings, typical representatives of the so-called “Cusco School”. Teachers from the ancient world traveled to South America and taught the local artists. These mixed the European models with elements from their homeland, the Andes: Colorful birds and one, for Europeans, alien vegetation.Overnight stay Hotel.

4 Hours approx by bus.
5 Hours approx tours

Before continuing, you have time to roam Cusco on your own. In the early afternoon transfer from the hotel to the train station. The first part of the route is covered in the bus. The following, varied and interesting train ride in Vistadom leads to the Urubamba Valley, the sacred valley of the Inca. The valley is getting narrower, so that only river and railway line between the slopes of rock find space. In the last 20km, before the train reaches Aguas Calientes, the village below Machu Picchu, the vegetation changes. Dense tropical forest and a variety of colorful flowers replace the sparse flora of the highlands, the temperatures are rising and it is getting smoother.
Overnight stay Hotel.

5 Hours approx by bus.
1 Hours approx tours

With one of the first buses, we drive up to the fabled ruins to visit this mystical site at a time when not too many visitors roam the grounds. Guided tour of the temple complex, which towers like an eagle’s nest 400m above the Rio Urubamba. Before returning to Auguas Calientes, you will have time to explore the ruins on your own. You can e.g. Going up to the Sun Gate through which the Inca reached Machu Picchu and today mark the end of the famous Inca Trail or, more strenuously, climb Machu Picchu, rewarded with a spectacular view of the ruins.
Overnight stay Hotel.

6 Hours approx by bus.
3 Hours approx tours

We take the train back to Ollantaytambo, where we visit the Inca fortress Ollantaytambo and take a stroll through the best preserved inca village Ollanta. Ollantaytambo is visible from afar. Strategically, she was built on a rock spur, which dominates both the Urubamba and the neighboring Patachanchatal. Gigantic stone blocks weighing up to 60 tons were once transported from the 5 km distant quarry on the opposite side of the valley here. Continue to Urubamba. On the way visit the salt pans of Maras, combined with a short hike through the salt pans, back to the main road.Overnight stay Hotel.

4 Hours approx by bus.
3 Hours approx tours

Drive back through the Urubamba Valley to Cusco. On the way we visit the ruins of Pisac and the market in the village of the same name, with its wide range of handicrafts, ceramics, weaving, hats, knickknacks and kitsch. The trip to the ‘potato park’, where the indigenous population introduces us to the potato cultivation, offers something special. In Peru, hundreds of different types of potatoes are cultivated! The last stop is at the Awana-Cancha Center, where we get a glimpse of traditional crafts and the traditional way of life of the indigenous people. On the site are also the four camel species of South America: Lama, Alpaca, Vicuna, Guanaco.
Overnight stay Hotel.

3 Hours approx by bus.
4 Hours approx tours

Morning: Transfer to the airport and return flight to Lima. Transfer from the airport to the hotel. Afternoon Visit to the Gold Museum with its outstanding exhibits. It is above all grave goods of the coastal peoples from before the Inca. The gold of the Inca landed for the most part in the smelters of the Spaniards.
Overnight stay Hotel.

20 minutes by bus.
1 Hour approx.
1 Hours approx tours

Morning city tour of the historic center with cathedral, government square and catacombs. Afternoon free at the hotel or a stroll through Miraflores. In the evening transfer from the hotel to the airport. Return. Departure return flight to Switzerland, USA, Canada, Europa, etc.

1 Hours approx by bus.
Back home by plane.

Go back home – end tour in Peru / South America.

Overnight flight (-/-/-)

Included meals: B=breakfast; L=lunch; D=dinner

What's Included

Services included in the prices:

  • Local culture guides
  • Local guides, cook and escort
  • Domestic flight Lima-Trujillo-Arequipa-Cusco-Lima
  • All transfers and overland trips
  • Bus and boat rides
  • All hotel accommodation in a double room
  • Meals according to the program, Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
  • National Park fees
  • Enter fees to Machu Picchu
  • Peru Expeditions Tour leader

Not included:

  • Restaurants in cities: Lunch and dinner in Lima, Trujillo, Ica, Arequipa, Puno, and Cusco
  • Entrances to the thermal baths in Aguas Calientes
  • Breakfast on the first morning
  • Sleeping bag that can be rented at our office
  • Tips for the guide and field staff recommended 200 USD
  • Travel and medical insurance & emergency evacuation insurance
  • Personal equipment and clothing
  • Personal Equipment
  • International flight from USA, Europe, Canada, etc.
  • Travel luggage and Travel cancellation insurance
  • Not mentioned food and beverages
  • Personal Spending
  • Optional overflight over the lines of Nazca

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What to Bring

What to Bring or take fo Day Hiking and Technical Equipment for Climbing Expedition

This equipment list is compiled to provide you with adequate help when choosing your equipment for a climb. Most items are required. Please consider each of them and make sure you understand the function and exclusive use for mountaineering, before substituting or removing items from this list. Please note that this list has been carefully annotated by the organizer. Remember that mountaineering, climbing or mountain expeditions tours is an extreme, risky sport, therefore everything related to it is of great attention.

Hiking backpack for hiking 50 to 60 liters

Light gloves for hiking or (Optional Mittens waterproof)

Medium weight socks

Sleeping bag (-15º to 20ºC)

Small daypack for one day hiking 30 liters

Weather-appropriate clothing (think moisture-wicking and layers)

Hiking boots or shoes

Medium weight parka with fibber fill or down

Rain poncho (or rain gear)

Long-sleeved shirts

Fleece or Wool sweater and/or trousers

Lightweight pants

Cotton short-sleeved shirts or t-shirts

Water bottle for hiking or trekking

Strong waterproof duffel bag

Flashlight with spare batteries and bulb

Towel for personal hygiene each participantFirst-aid kit

Regular and long underwear

Knife or multi-tool

Light cap and wool hat

Sunglasses with UV certification, Sun block, lips

The rest of the list Essentials as appropriate for your hike

Grooming and personal hygiene kit

One Hiking Buff per person

3 Locking carabiners, we recommended per person

We recommend 2 ice screws for each client

1 Daisy Chain (Life Line) per each person

2 Ice axes (per person) technical, we recommended GRIVEL company

1 ATC descender (Rappel), this is very necessary for technical mountains

2 Cords for prusik, very important (Size Cord 6 mm x 10 m. long)

Gloves(Good gloves) for expeditions over 6000meters

Harness for climbing

Sleeping pad / Mattress, we recommend with air or inflatable mattress

Crampons, we recommended GRIVEL company

Walking sticks – Trekking Poles (optional), a pair per person, we recommended GRIVEL company

Down Jacket for expedition

Very important to have personal clothing such as pants and jacket with GOROTEX certification

First aid kit, for high mountains, because we as guides cannot medicate clients

Backpack Capacity 60 liters, it is better to have a bigger backpack to go comfortably to the high camps, because here you have to carry all your personal things

Gaiters or Leggings, now modern boots already have built-in (Incorporated), but better to have an extra pair

Dressing appropriately for the mountains can make the difference between a pleasant trip and a really uncomfortable one. Clothing must provide the right degree of temperature, perspiration and be well ventilated. Preferably cotton clothing should be avoided, as in humid conditions they absorb body heat.

In general, the weather conditions in in the Andes of South America can vary from day to day and even throughout the day. Therefore, clothing must be versatile.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have regarding the necessary equipment.

Prices & Dates




01 MAY 2025/ 21 MAY 2025

$ 3650


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01 JUN 2025 / 21 JUN 2025

$ 3650


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01 JUL 2025 / 21 JUL 2025

$ 3650


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01 AUG 2025/ 21 AUG 2025

$ 3650


Join Now

Please note: Insurance for emergency evacuation is required for this trip. Call for more details.

» Additional dates available upon request
» Rates may vary from July 26th to 31th for the national holidays

Prices (per person):

7300 USD3650 USD3550 USD3450 USD3350 USD3250 USD3150 USD3050 USD

Deposit for reservations: — USD (– EUR) ✓ Full payment 40 days before. No refund if you cancel less than 30 days!

Places: 🟢 *Available
Trip-code: Number ►PER-
Duration: 21 days
Participants: Minimal: 4 Maximal: 12
Members: We don’t have an open group to join – We can open a new group – Contact us!
Country / Location: Peru
Mountain Guide: Juventino Albino Caldua
Other dates / additional info: Contact us!

3% early bird discount when booking 6 months prior to departure 2025

Legend Booking-information:
EZZ Single room supplement
🟢 On this trip, places are still available.
🟡 On this trip, only a few places left.
🔴 This trip is sold out / closed.

Juventino Albino Caldua

Expert guide certified by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA
Co-Founder, Peru Expeditions

Hans Honold | Certified Mountain and Ski Guide

For a trip with a Professional Certified Mountain Guide from abroad with your own language that you speak, please request us to get in touch. We have guides working for our company from all over the world who are members of IVBV/UIAGM/IFMGA Certified Guides.

We are a Private Company with a Specialized Peruvian Andean Rescue Team “Socorro Andino Peruano”, offering expert High Mountain Rescue Services. Additionally, we provide satellite internet access during treks or expeditions, ensuring the safety and connectivity of our clients at all times. For more information, feel free to contact us via email or phone

Only $1000 deposit to book

Pay over time, interest free

No booking fee, no change fee

24/7 support


Scroll through our exclusive accommodations for this trip below. Although very unlikely, we will be able to make substitutions when necessary. The comfortable accommodations that guests stay in every night offer comfort, the level that these options are are 3 stars and some hostels in some towns of first class quality to make your stay very pleasant.

*These exact accommodations are not guaranteed. In some cases, alternative accommodation of similar quality and location can be used.

3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Conde de Lemos Arequipa

Hotel Conde de Lemos Arequipa: Conde De Lemos Arequipa offers 3-star accommodation and is located in the historic center of...
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Best Mountain Tents – Luxury Service – Premium Overnight in Camping

Mountain and trekking Premium Tents Our Peru Treks feature premier camping with comfortable sleeping tents, kitchen tents, dedicated chefs, and...
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3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Rumi Wasi in Chivay

Hotel Rumi Wasi in Chivay:Rumi Wasi is located in Chivay, a 4-minute walk from the main square. Free WiFi and...
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3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Conde de Lemos Puno

Hotel Conde de Lemos Puno: Located in the heart of Puno, El Conde de Lemos offers views of the city's...
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3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Inca Wasi Plaza Cuzco

Hotel Inca Wasi Plaza Cuzco: Inca Wasi Plaza está en el centro de Cuzco y ofrece alojamiento bien equipado y...
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3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Puma

Hotel Puma: History tells that the stone city had the shape of a reclining puma whose head formed the fortress...
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3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Rubi

Hotel Rubi: Welcome Our hotel has a pleasant family atmosphere, ideal for rest and relaxing in your holidays focused on...
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3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Churup

Hotel Churup: Hotel Churup offers accommodation in Huaraz. A free breakfast buffet is served daily and includes freshly ground, roasted...
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2 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Valery

Hotel Valery in Huaraz: Hotel Valery ⭐⭐Welcome to Hotel Valery, we are your best option in Huaraz.Bed, breakfast and best...
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3 stars Hotel

Peru: Hotel Kamana

We are in the heart of Lima. The Kamana hotel is located just one block from the pedestrian street called...
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Maps & Downloads



Frequently Asked Questions

What our travelers or clients always ask questions before joining our trips, tours & expeditions, read all the information provided here.

Suggested FAQs

For our mountain climbing trips: If they are easily accessible mountains: For easy-climb mountains, well, you don’t need much experience, but if you already want to climb mountains above 6,000 meters and the conditions become more difficult, we recommend if you already want to go through mountains above 6,000 meters, have a basic or intermediate course for a good preparation. It is very important to be physically, technically and psychologically prepared.

Regarding the preparation of children: Everything will depend on which mountain you want to climb with your children, once you are clear on which of our tours or mountains you want to go with your children, we can give you some advice or see how to prepare them before going with they.

Regarding older people: It all depends on the condition of experience and how well the person is in health, on many occasions older people are the best to walk in the mountains because they have more experience, so it is always good to ask and find out about their experience of older participant. If you have any other questions, please contact us. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

In all our trekking or mountaineering trips we do not include personal equipment in our prices, so you have to have your own equipment: Personal equipment (such as boots, ice ax, crampons, harness, sleeping bag, mat, Goretex, etc. ) and also within each page of the trips that we sell is a small list so you can see it on our website.

Our company can also rent the materials that you would need for your trip, see the list here on our website: . For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

Safe and effective vaccines are available that provide strong protection against serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Billions of people have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself against COVID-19, help end the pandemic and stop new variants emerging.

We also recommend having accident insurance, we always recommend. We are Partners –Global Rescue. If you have any other questions about the trip we can schedule a date for a calling via WhatsApp. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

To do long-distance hiking you need to at least train or do some tours such as visiting lagoons to get the experience and feel comfortable with what you do, it is always good before doing a long-distance hiking tour to test yourself so as not to be with the problems of altitude sickness during the trekking, and if you travel with children it is good to first train them before taking them, if they are accompanied by an adult of legal age, they must do a good acclimatization before going on the long-distance tour or with high altitude camps If you want to know or learn more advice, we can schedule a call via WhatsApp to clarify your doubts. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

The preparation is according to what type and what technical level you want to go and climb a trek or mountain, the preparation will always gain experience little by little.

For this type of demanding or technical climbing sports, it is recommended to do some summits above 5 thousand meters beforehand and have good knowledge of high mountain technical equipment such as the use of technical ice axes, ice screws, correct use of crampons, and of course all the technical material. For more information, we can schedule an appointment to be able to explain in more detail everything about the mountain equipment and the preparations prior to joining our outings. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

Every day we have active walks around approximately 4, to 5 sometimes 6 hours of walking, everything is according to your pace and physical condition of each person, in each of our travel programs you will find more detailed information, and if If you need more information about each day of the travel program, we can schedule a call via WhatsApp to clarify your doubts or questions, for this please contact us. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

In our trips, either hiking or mountaineering: Depending on the type or destination of the trip that you are going to book, in some parts of the treks you go with mules or donkeys or sometimes with horses, and within the mountain trips, the approach camps are also They go with mules or donkeys, but there are some stretches where pack animals can no longer reach. In this part, our logistics is fully supported by the porters.

Who are the porters? They are people from the area who were born and live in the heights of the towns, they are very strong and are very acclimatized, the reason is that after the tourist season ends they dedicate themselves to agriculture and livestock for that reason they are people They are used to the altitude and have lived in nature all their lives and they are happy to be in the mountains together with our expeditions. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

About accommodation or meals during the tour: Well, depending on the type of tour, when the tour is a classic cultural tour or a city tour, we eat during the route in tourist restaurants and sleep in category hotels that the client has requested.

If the tour is with camps and trekking: During the activity, logistics we include the service of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner with traditional and typical meals of the region where you are going to travel with us, during the night we stay in tents, and we have a special tent for the kitchen and another for the dining room.

If the trip is at altitude or in the mountains: We bring special high mountain food, It are quicker meals to cook and we provide complete logistics such as Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, and we sleep in special 4-season high mountain tents, with the best tents. If you have any questions or concerns, we can schedule an appointment via Whatsapp to clarify all your doubts and give you better information so that your trip is an unforgettable tour.

In mountains above 5000 meters: A local guide takes a maximum of 3 clients = Ratio 3pax = 1 local guide

In technical mountains: In large-big mountains we manage the travel policy, a guide and a maximum of 2 clients = Ratio 3pax = 1 local guide. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

For all the trips that we offer within our main tourist destinations such as South America and Central America, also including the ascent of the 7 continents and the 7 highest peaks of each continent, on each page of our website for each trip we indicate that month or what season to travel, then please read the information you find in our travel offers for each tour. If you have any other questions you can contact us by WhatsApp with one of our travel experts. Thank you so much. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

In the interest of the team’s enjoyment and success, we work with every single guest to ensure they are properly prepared and ready for this expedition. We pride ourselves on vetting every member to make sure that the team can bond and succeed together. It really sucks to be grouped with members that are much faster, or much slower, than you are. No one wants to the weakest link on a trip like this. By setting expectations and a solid training plan, we work to insure maximum cohesive success. Use this trip as an exercise motivator, and we will succeed together with style.

For the pick-ups of each trip, depending on the place or the trip that you are going to make with us, the meeting point is always at our office, in one of our trips we pick you up where you are staying or staying, or in some cases a A representative of our company will pick you up and then ship you to your transport to continue with your destination of the tour or trip you have booked with us. If you wish to request more information, do not hesitate to contact us. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

For all the trips that we offer within our main tourist destinations such as South America and Central America, also including the ascent of the 7 continents and the 7 highest peaks of each continent, on each page of our website for each trip we indicate that month or what season to travel, then please read the information you find in our travel offers for each tour. If you have any other questions you can contact us by WhatsApp with one of our travel experts. Thank you so much. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

About the meteorological conditions of the climate, we try to organize the trips of each tour in the best season to have the best views and enjoy the selected trip but sometimes even is good season we can have bad weather, in this case on hiking or treks trips The complications are minimal, but when this happens during high-altitude climbing expeditions, the complications can become very difficult, that is why the bosses or leaders of the local guides must always make the most correct decision for the safety of our passengers, so we always recommend listening to the best advice from the local guide assigned for each tour. If you have any other questions please contact us. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

We as a local company and connoisseurs of tours have departures on different dates. The best thing to do is to join a travel group to take care of your budget, and of course you can join our groups, but on trips like mountaineering we recommend going in small groups. To join a group, ask us for the dates and we will send you the necessary information to be able to join any of our trips.

Why go in a private trip: For trips whether trekking or high mountains, going privately is the most recommended option, but the costs are more expensive. So, if one joins a group, the prices will be more reasonable. In the mountains, the only disadvantage is if you are in a wall with another partner and if one of the participants gets tired or gets sick. In this case, you have to abort or cancel the summit and return together. For more information, contact us. We can schedule a call via WhatsApp to clarify all your questions.

In a mountain, for example, if 3 people go and one of the participants falls ill on the route, for security reasons they have to cancel or abort the summit or return all together. The same in a technical mountain if the climbing partner gets sick they all have to return, for these reasons sometimes it is better to go private only because for a single person the costs are more expensive for the same reason that the trip would already be private .

For more information please contact us. For calls or inquiries to this number: +51 943 081 066

Additional information

We help in the purchase of air tickets: we set up convenient flight options with each participant of the trip and book tickets such as international flights and domestic flights in each destination city of the countries that we offer our trips. We recommend you booking international flights tickets well in advance so we can find current flights offer prices from the airlines. In order for us to search for and book your flight, please contact us and we will be happy to help you!. → More information click here
About a Satellite Phone or inReach® Messenger - GARMIN: On each trip we recommend having a satellite phone at your disposal. The possibility of quick contact from anywhere on the mountain will guarantee your safety on the road. In case of need (for example, contact with the family or the travel company), for this service the participants have to request to rent a satellite phone, of course this service has an additional cost, contact us or ask our office for more information. A practical device is to have an inReach® Messenger - GARMIN also helps for any emergency. → More information click here
Many of the participants or clients of our adventures, hikes and expeditions in the mountains are people who sign up alone, but in some of our trips you will be able to find a travel partner companion to join a group. We have many options for you from day tours, short treks, long duration tours, and even the most extreme climbing high mountains on each country or South American continent and other destinations, as like the destinations you can see on our website. The mountains are a great place for rapid integration and a very healthy sport. → More information click here
Our mountain guides or tour leaders: All of our Tour Leaders are multiple conquerors of the peaks they lead the expeditions to. Each of our cultural guides, high mountain guides, mountainbike guides, among others are internationally recognized and certified guides, such as the certifications of (UIMLA) Union of International Mountain Leader Associations & (IFMGA) International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations. The mountaineering experience, skills and knowledge of your guides are a priority for us. → More information click here


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