SUMMIT! The team of the 7 Summits Club climbed the mountain of Alpamayo

SUMMIT! The team of the 7 Summits Club climbed the mountain of Alpamayo, 7 Russians and 3 Peruvians were on the top

Hello! This is Dos Piskas team from Peru, Alexander Abramov. Today, at exactly 8 am, our team climbed to the top of Alpamayo. The summit is small, so all climbers could not get together. We came in groups of 3-4 people. The weather was great, which helped us, of course. It was very cold and difficult. Just below the middle of the route there was still snow, and then went completely bare ice. For many, it was a very difficult test. But, nevertheless, all people have shown themselves very well.
The mountain is one of the seven in our project “SuperMountains”, which includes technical routes, most famous, most beautiful, unique on the continent (Matterhorn, Ama Dablam, El Capitan, Mount Cook, Kenya, Ulvetanna).
Now we have already descended to the assault camp and begin descent further down.

Photos from a fantastic expedition to Alpamayo by Ivan Pominov

Ivan Pominov: Alpamayo 5957м. This incredible expedition! Thanks to my friends Oleg Pimenov and Irene Kharazova, 7 Summits Club and personally Alexander Abramov.
Lyudmila Korobeshko: Why go to Peru? Of course for Alpamayo!!! And these pictures from Ivan Pominov from a very fresh expedition to Peru on one of the most beautiful peaks of the world – once again confirm this.
However there were stars in the expedition: team leader, Prisident of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov, the leader of Red Fox company Vlad Moroz, two stars from the movie ” Gene of Altitude” Oleg Pimenov and his Muse, the inventor of beer from the glaciers of mount Everest El8848 Daniil Briman. And the Mount and the Team were worth each other!
There is a rumor has that these climbers have decided to make all project 7 Super Mountains. And in November, preparing for Mount Kenya in Kenya

Full photo gallery, 66 photos and 6 diagrams…


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