Biography About Agnieszka Sobczak
South America

Trip Leader, Travel and Coordinator, Peru Expeditions Tours
I am traveler, rock climber and enthusiastic of nature. My passion is rock climbing and mountain hiking.
I love to stay in the nature and discover new exotic and interesting places.
Since I was a child, I have been hiking in the Polish mountains: the Tatra Mountains, the Karkonosze Mountains, the Sudetes and the Bekidy Mountains.
I climbed: Huarapasca (5420 m), Mateo (5100 m), Volcan La Malinche (4420 m), Volcan Iztaccíhuatl (5230 m),Volcane Teide (3715 m), Volcan Santa María (3 772 m).
I was rock climbing in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico
- WhatsApp: +52 1 951 547 8458
- E-Mail: [email protected]
- Born 10 August 1979
- I currently live in Mexico
- Pila/ Polonia
- High School
im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie High School in Pila, Poland - University of Technology in Poznań, Poland
Faculty of Architecture
- Polaco
- Inglés
- Español
Working Experience
June 2019 - currently
I am an independent guide in Oaxaca City and the surroundings areas.
January 2019 - June 2019 January 2019 - June 2019 January 2019 - June 2019 January 2019 - June 2019 January 2019 - June 2019 January 2019 - June 2019
WAVE ARCHITECTURE STUDIO, Tulum, Cooperación Arquitecta
November 2015 - January 2019
Freelancer - conceptual designs, architectural visualizations, graphic designs
July 2017 - September 2017
Receptionist at the hostel - Panama Central Hostal, Panama, Panama .
September - November 2016
Cochahuasi Animal Sanctuary, Cusco, Peru - Tourists guide through the park with rescued wild animals.
April 2008 – October 2015
I wa sailing in the Baltic Sea, the Caribbean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. I was living for a couple of mounts in the Tenerife Island.
Do you have questions about our South America trips?
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YOU ARE AN ADVENTURE LOVER and you want to experience something extraordinary and extreme?
You are an adventure lover and you dream of leaving with a thrill. Peru Expeditions Tours is also an option for you. Take advantage of our travel offer that we have for you!
“We don’t sell tours, we provide memorable lifetime experiences.”
We are a recognized tour operator 100% peruvian company that specialists in adventure and traditional tours service.